Amusement equipment belongs to the special industry of amusement equipment, but amusement equipment includes many types of amusement equipment. Such as large playground equipment, children’s playground equipment, small and medium-sized playground equipment. According to the size of the venue, or indoor and outdoor to distinguish different types of amusement equipment. For the convenience of searching, insiders have set A-type amusement facilities, B-type amusement facilities, and C-type amusement facilities. There are so many playground equipment, which amusement equipment is more fun?

Bumper car rides for sale are the most common amusement facilities in large and small amusement parks. Bumper cars can be further divided into bumper car amusement equipment such as ground net bumper cars, sky net bumper cars, luxury bumper cars, battery bumper cars, and double bumper cars. There is an electrified grid on the ceiling, and there are small electric bumper cars for passengers to drive. There is an apron made of rubber around the bumper car, and electricity is drawn by a vertical electric pole connected to the ceiling. The car usually has two people at most, with pedals for acceleration and a steering wheel for steering.

Whitewater Yongjin is a common water mobile amusement equipment, commonly found in theme amusement parks. Under the restraint of certain safety devices, the tourists drifted along the waterway with a planned route. During this period, there will usually be at least one large-scale mechanical lift and instantaneous fall, stressful stimulation.

The jumping machine is a large-scale mobile game equipment common in amusement parks and theme parks. The ride platform of this kind of amusement equipment can carry passengers to high altitude, and then fall down vertically with almost gravitational acceleration, and finally stop the ride platform before landing by machinery. This kind of amusement equipment is designed using the free fall phenomenon in physics.

Carousel, also known as luxury carousel, merry-go-round, double-decker luxury carousel, ocean carousel, etc., is a kind of playground equipment and a large-scale mobile game. Mobile seats are available for tourists. Nowadays, there are various carousel rides for sale in various playgrounds, shopping malls and other places.

Big pendulum. Super large pendulum, also known as large pendulum and meteor hammer, is a new type of amusement equipment that is currently popular in the world. The equipment is beautiful in appearance, scientific in structure, and magnificent. The super pendulum is a particularly popular item in the playground, which is thrilling.

The pirate ship, if you can’t stand the intense excitement of a roller coaster, you can try this, which is relatively soothing. Roller coaster, this Jedi is a must-play item for most people to go to the amusement park. You will know how exciting it is.

The Ferris wheel is a large wheel-shaped mechanical construction facility. Hanging on the edge of the wheel is a cabin for passengers. Passengers sit on the Ferris wheel and slowly turn upwards, and they can overlook the surrounding scenery from a height. The most common occasions for the existence of Ferris wheels are in amusement parks (or theme parks) and garden fairs. Want to get more information about amusement rides? Check