For several years, concrete pumps have become crucial equipment in construction sites. For more than half a century, the trailer concrete pumps have taken over other methods of transferring concrete. These pumps can be used in places that are difficult to reach such as basements or high-rise buildings. The speed and ease of using concrete trailer pump for sale  save you lots of time, manpower and money.

trailer concrete pump
How do concrete trailer pumps work?
The concrete pump core function is to discharge concrete from the ready mix truck. The fresh concrete is poured into the hopper. In the hopper, there is an agitator that allows fresh concrete to flow smoothly into the pump cylinders. The concrete pumps operate using the same principle as that of the two-cylinder engine. One cylinder draws concrete from the hopper, and another one pushes it forward to the delivery lines. The pistons in the concrete pump operate in opposite directions to create constant pressure hence allowing the uninterrupted flow of concrete. Get details here:
How to operate a concrete trailer pump
These pumps are mobile and can fit into confined areas of construction. In this case, you need to tow this pump to the construction site. The first thing when using concrete trailer pump is to check the mixture before pouring. Ensure that the concrete mixture is suitable for the job. However, you should remember that different jobs require different quality of concrete mixture. Also, you should avoid unauthorized persons on the construction site. The equipment generates high pressure and can be risky to the unauthorized personnel.

In this case, you should only allow people who know to operate a trailer concrete pump.
The concrete trailer pumps have rubber and steel hoses that are attached to the line hose. The diameter of this hose can range from 2 inches to 5 inches. Depending on the size of the construction, you should attach the appropriate concrete hose to the trailer pump. When connected, the pump hoses can reach horizontal lengths of 20 to 1500 feet. The volume of the concrete pumped will depend on the diameter of the concrete pump pipe. In most cases, this volume can range from 30 to 150 cubic yards per hour. This website can give you more instructions, visit it if you are interested.
When operating trailer concrete pump, you should always observe safety rules. One of these rules is to monitor the concrete levels in the hopper. You should never allow the concrete level to become too low as the pump can suck air pose hazards to the people on the construction site. If air is sucked, you should stop the pump immediately and warn workers standing nearby to move away until the air is purged from the pump.
concrete trailer pumps have become very popular in construction sites. These pumps are very useful in hard-to-reach areas such as basements and multi-storied buildings. Pumping the concrete is easier and time-saving than using a wheelbarrow, skid steer, or concrete buggy. However, it is important to allow people who know to operate trailer concrete pump on the site. Moreover, you should observe safety rules to avoid injuries associated with the concrete trailer pump.