There’s no denying the broad range of uses that a gantry crane can have, and this is largely due to the different features and weight capacities they come with. So in this overview, we’re going to explore some of the different types of gantry crane that currently exist on the market, along with the primary uses (usos principales) of each one.

To begin with, the lifting capacity of a gantry crane can vary widely. With some of the biggest on the market being able to lift anything up to and including 50,000 lbs, while the smaller gantry cranes will only lift anywhere from 1 to 2 tons.

Of course, the type of crane you will need will greatly depend on the type of work you will be performing with it. So if you are looking for a simple gantry crane to put in your home garage, you certainly aren’t going to need a crane with a 50,000 lb lifting capacity!

Lifting Capacities For Different Types Of Gantry Crane

Additionally, this variance in regards to lifting capacity will play a big role in the type of industry (tipo de industria) you are likely to find a specific model of gantry crane in. For example, a small automotive garage may need a crane that lifts anywhere from 1 to 2 tons, and possibly a little more. Whereas a large gantry crane that’s designed to lift heavy shipping containers on a shipyard may be able to lift hundreds of tons without any trouble at all.

Something else to consider is the additional design features that a gantry crane may come with. As an example, a portable gantry crane that’s manually operated will usually have a very small lifting capacity. But if it has a powered motor it may be to lift quite a lot more weight. If the crane isn’t portable in nature and simply runs along rails (corre a lo largo carriles), or perhaps mounted to a fixed position, then you will usually find it has the ability to lift a significantly larger amounts of weight as well.

Different Lifting Capacities Of Different Types Of Gantry Crane

In general, it’s best to compromise on the lifting capacity that your crane needs because there will be several other features that may be important to your purchase decision. For many people, the portability of a gantry crane will play a big role in their decision-making process, and there’s no denying that having a portable crane will make your life much easier if you are lifting items in a warehouse or manufacturing scenario.

Next, you may be interested to discover that it is possible to have a custom-made gantry crane that lifts the kinds of weights you have in mind. In many cases, obtaining a crane that can lift up to 50,000 lbs isn’t always easy, and these models will usually be custom-designed for the specific scenario which they will be used in.


Overall, it’s easy to see that a gantry crane has many diverse uses a broad range of industries, and regardless of the lifting capacity you choose, you will quickly find a quality gantry crane to become an irreplaceable piece of machinery in your workplace.